The Ice II

I saw a lot of tiny icebergs the other day. Is iceberg the correct term for the small ones? When I say 'iceberg', I think of those big ones that sink ships (did you know that the iceberg that sunk Titanic actually came from Greenland?). These small ones are just sort of cute compared to that. I'm not sure they could sink anything. There are many different forms and shapes, like clouds. Actually - like clouds - they often resemble something:
This one looks like a praying duck.
This is nature's rendition of a grumpy frog.
This is a half-eaten Ben & Jerry icecream sandwich.
Here we have a bigger iceberg trying to protect a mushroom cloud -iceberg. Very political!
This is a bell, I think? Now I'm starting to struggle.
This is the face of EVA Unit 1 from Neon Genesis Evangelion. 
This one is just pretty with the layers and faint colors.
This is kind of the iceberg classic, you know? 

And here's whole scenery:

In the background, you can see the Sermitsiaq mountain, which is one of the biggest landmarks in Nuuk. It's quite beautiful but really difficult to photograph. In photos, it often ends up looking like a big hill and that's about it. But it's really gorgeous and huge, especially when the evening sun hits it long after everywhere else has gone dark. I hope at some point I might be able to take a boat trip closer to it.


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